Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Time Management Is About Life Management - Podcast #147

Coach John Daly Season 2 Episode 147
Simple things sometimes equal the biggest results. As my wife and I were walking our dog around the track at our local middle school - it dawned on me (once again) on how fast time is flying by. There has been this Time Management discussion that some say we can't "manage" time. But I think you can - If you take time in 15-minute breakdown segments - I think that we all have the power to choose what we do with that 15 minutes - or whatever time frame it is in. Time management is really all about Life Management. It's the one currency we all have. Look at today how you are managing your time -how you are managing your life. Always remember we can choose to do anything we want along with making any change we want to make if we are not happy with our Life Management choices. Great and deep concept there and I would love to have some discussions on it. Find me on Facebook at: Find me on Twitter: @coachtosuccess and on Instagram: @coachjohndaly