Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

9 Ways To Achieve BIG Things - Podcast #124

Coach John Daly Season 2 Episode 124
So fired up this morning on my way into work as I listened to a couple of podcasts - well I finished one and started another. My buddy Dr. Jeff Lip was talking with a guest of his & it really got me going in a very positive and grateful direction to start my day out. Check out his podcast here: This helped me to focus in on this awesome article I found: So many great reminders on doing things the right way and going after BIG things. You can do it, I can do it, but I think we need reminders like these and we need people like Jeff Lip and a great guy, friend and former student - Chris Shankie to help us out too. Fired up show today - check it out & please reach out and get in touch with me and let me know how I can help, maybe even a great discussion on these and other points that can help us out along with others too. Find me on Facebook: on Twitter: @coachtosuccess and on Instagram: @coachjohndaly