Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Overcoming Regret - Podcast #119

Coach John Daly Season 2 Episode 119
Regret - we all have them, I know I do! This was a powerful session for me... a lightbulb moment. Connecting the fact of learning valuable lessons from adversity and regrets... and applying that knowledge to where I am now. With my past being MY best mentor - as your past is YOUR best mentor, you can do the same thing. The lessons that I can apply to my life - in this moment are not only many, but it's the only thing I can do - since this moment now - in the present - is all that I have! It's all anyone has. Thanks to those of you that keep reminding me about that - Sam Crowley - Jeff Lip, and others.. you guys are so right!! Check out this awesome article here: Let's start chatting over some of these points... let's get some discussions going to help each other out along with helping others too. Find me here - on Facebook: on Twitter: @coachtosuccess and on Instagram: Coachjohndaly Share this episode too with someone that means something to you. Thanks for listening.