Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Why Is Confidence Important In Life? - Podcast #106

Coach John Daly Season 2 Episode 106
Wow... what a value packed article I found here - This has such valuable information for me that I knew I just had to share it with you. The whole issue of having confidence has been a problem for me all through my life. It feels good to finally admit this too. I never would have been able to embrace this fact if it wasn't for people like Sam Crowley, Jeremy Todd, Brandon Handley, Ozzy Eyre, Jeff Lip and so many others. Their encouragement of me and advice of going after things - has been so valuable. I dare to think had I not met these people, where I would be today. Join me on this journey of learning how to become more self confident and the many benefits that it brings with it. Find me on Facebook: and on Twitter: @coachtosuccess