Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

You've Already Beaten The Odds - Podcast #307

September 05, 2019 Coach John Daly Season 3 Episode 307

First podcast of the new school year!  Pumped up & Fired Up with the start of school!  First full day of school & I got in early as usual and I found some great things to share with you.  Getting inspired by the one and only Sam Crowley again -  -   He was talking about his daughter and what a miracle she is - and actually how we are all miracles.   When it comes down to it, we have all beaten the odds of simply being born.  4 Trillion to 1 is what I've heard the experts talk about... those are the odds to even be born.   There is a lot to digest with that stat.  If you take it to heart, you really can make some changes to live a more joy-filled life!  Sit back and enjoy some of these thoughts that I share with you.   Thanks for listening.  Please take a few moments to subscribe & share this with someone, also leave a 5 Star rating on ITunes or other services where you find this show.  Find me on Facebook:   on Twitter:  @coachtosuccess   and on Instagram at:  @coachjohndaly  You can also head on over to and get in touch with me there on my homepage along with checking out my Top Book list too.  Other things there on my site are being worked on – especially my blog page where I am back to blogging now.