Coach John Daly - Coach to Expect Success - Podcasts

Some Things To Reject - Motivation Monday Game Plan - #1333

August 26, 2024 Coach John Daly Season 8 Episode 1333

Here is something great from a guy that I’ve been connected to for a few years.  Alan Stein, Jr. (@AlanSteinJr)  He reminds us that “By rejecting blame, complaints, and excuses, you can foster a more effective, resilient, and positive approach to personal & professional challenges.”  I know that I’ve been guilty of doing all three of these many times throughout my life.  Knowing that there is a better way for me to take on challenges that life throws at me, I know I have to choose these better ways for sure.  I appreciate the value that Alan Stein, Jr. brings to the world and I’m glad that I’m able to share them with you.  Thanks for listening.  Please take a few moments to subscribe & share this with someone, also leave a 5 Star rating on Apple Podcasts and ITunes or other services where you find this show.  Find me on Facebook:   on Twitter / “X”:  @coachtosuccess   and on Instagram at:  @coachjohndaly  - My YouTube Channel is at: Coach John Daly.   Email me at:     You can also head on over to and get in touch with me there on my homepage along with checking out my Top Book list too.  Other things there on my site are being worked on too.  Please let me know that you are reaching out to me from my podcast.